Hunter went hunting for a bunny when he fell into a big ol’ pile of leaves
Mom and Dad cried, where oh where is Hunter, where oh where could little Hunter be?
Here I am, here I am, said Hunter!
Here I am, here I am, it’s me!
I was looking for a bunny rabbit, I think I see him hiding by that tree!
Here I am, here I am, said bunny!
Here I am, here I am, it’s me!
Do you want to come and play in the forest, we could be best friends you and me!
Yes I do, yes I do, said Hunter!
Yes I do, Yes I do, let's go!
The two of them went running through the forest, laughing and skipping in a row.
Hunter went hunting for a bunny when he fell into a big ol’ pile of leaves.
Mom and Dad cried, where oh where is Hunter, where oh where could little Hunter be?
Here I am, here I am, said Hunter!
Here I am, here I am, it’s me!
I was looking for a bunny rabbit, I think I see him hiding by that tree!
Here I am, here I am, said bunny!
Here I am, here I am, it’s me!
Do you want to come and play in the forest, we could be best friends you and me!
The two of them went running through the forest, both of them were happy as can be.